Cell Site Analysis Explained at Iscoed Chambers

Many thanks to Iscoed Chambers for inviting the Cell Site experts from Footprint Investigations to conduct a CPD course regarding cell site analysis recently.

Cell Site Analysis Explained was delivered by Greg and Andy, who covered an introduction to cell site analysis, common misconceptions regarding this type of evidence, case studies where cell site analysis was pivotal in the trial, along with a demonstration of how radio frequency surveys are conducted, as well as an update on evolving technology.

During the afternoon there was also a chance to look at call schedules and mapping, as well as a discussion regarding the importance of mobile phone attribution and the methodology used to support or contest attribution to a particular individual.

Thank you to the organisers and all the Barristers who attended from Iscoed Chambers, and also for the invite to return in 2013 to give a similar talk regarding cell site analysis to local Solicitors.