CSI Manchester- Cell Site Analysis


Cell Site Analysis expert Greg Robinson took the witness box to give evidence recently at a mock trial for CSI Manchester. The sell-out event was part of the Manchester Science Festival and took place at Minshull Street Crown Court.

As well as cell site analysis evidence the fictitious case also contained DNA evidence which was dealt with by John Lowe from Key Forensics.

Emma Mclure from Swain & Co Solicitors gave a fascinating talk about cases where there has been a miscarriage of justice due to forensic errors, including the fascinating German case of ‘The Phantom of Heilbronn’.

Professor Ian Burney from Manchester University also gave an interesting talk on how forensics has transformed the processing of murder scenes.

Greg was cross examined on his cell site analysis evidence by barristers from Kenworthys Chambers and the trial was watched by a large number of attendees from the festival. The attendees played the part of a very large jury, and at the end of the trial indicated whether they found the defendant ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ by a show of hands.

The trial was presided over by a real judge and was a fascinating insight into the world of forensics and the law. We understand that the feedback for the event was excellent.

Many thanks to Geoff Whelan from Kenworthys Chambers for the invitation to participate.