Entries by Greg

International Cell Site of the Week

To add an international flavour to our vast array of cell site images, our experts are always on the lookout for cell site images even whilst on holiday! This particular site is in the town of Benodet in Brittany and provided the area with solid 4G service.

Cell Site of the Week 23/12/16

After another hectic year involving hundreds of cell site surveys, we are ending 2016 with a collage of recently viewed cell sites in the Birmingham and Staffordshire areas, we have traditional multi-operator masts as well as an interesting brick styled disguised antenna!

Cell Site of The Week 07/11/16

Given its recent anniversary, it seemed appropriate to feature the Crystal Palace Tower. Even though it was built for the purposes of radio and TV transmissions, it is also home to several cell sites mounted at an intermediate height so as not to cause too much interference. Recent cell site surveys show this site to […]